General cardiology clinics
Richard provides a rapid access cardiology clinic offering appointments within 48 hours of referral in one of 3 locations to allow geographical convenience. Patients will undergo a thorough clinical review with a possible recommendation for further diagnostic tests appropriate for your clinical need. Please see the Services section for more information.
Atrial Fibrillation Specialist Clinics
I have previously established a rapid access Atrial Fibrillation specialist clinic (RAAFC) in the cardiology department of Llandough Hospital in Penarth, Wales in September 2006. The aims of the RAAFC are, firstly, to provide a rapid diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in patients presenting for the first time in the community or in patients with ongoing unresolved issues with their management; and secondly to facilitate the early initiation of warfarin and other treatments for atrial fibrillation based on the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines (June 2006).
Referrals to the clinic are invited from patients and local general practitioners and can be made directly via the contact addresses on the website.
All patients have a history taken and examination performed by myself who then carries out an ECG and echocardiographic study. Depending on the clinical and investigative findings a clear diagnosis and management plan is outlined and therapies instituted to improve symptoms and ultimately outcomes.
Hypertension Specialist Clinics
I have run a hypertension specialist clinics as a subsection of my general cardiology clinic for the last 5 years. I see all types of patients with high blood pressure including those with difficult to treat blood pressure but also those where they may be some doubt of the diagnosis (eg ‘white coat syndrome’). There are an array of tests that can be done in patients with high blood pressure to ensure the current state of their heart and blood vessels. To review current medications and optimize existing medications are the goals of treatment with the minimum of side-effects. Some patients require 24 blood pressure evaluation to monitor their blood pressure control and to establish whether there is a white coat element to their diagnosis.
Patients who require this service are encouraged to book as a consultation with a full list of their current medications to help us draw an optimal treatment package.